Saturday, September 21, 2019

"The Earth is Broken Than the Hips of Your Granny"


Doctors newspaper online, 21.09.2019









Doctors protest

"The climate crisis is a medical emergency": Thousands of doctors and nurses take to the streets for more climate protection.

By Thomas Hommel

 run03_8514129-A.jpg "border =" 0 "/> </p> <p class= Doctors, therapists and carers contra global warming – here in front of the Charité in Berlin-Mitte. The former Charité boss Professor Detlev Ganten (center in the white coat) and the new president of the Charité Professor Hayo Kroemer (right next to the banner).

© Thomas Hommel

BERLIN. The medical students in white coats proudly hold their self-made posters in the air. "Short-haul flights are for insects only", is written on one. "The Earth is Broken Than Your Grandma's Hips," reads another.

An estimated 1000 physicians, continuing education, therapists, nurses and students followed the call of the German Climate Change and Health Alliance (KLUG) on Friday noon. They gathered in front of the Charité bedstead in Berlin-Mitte for the climate strike as part of the worldwide campaign "Health for Future". Above them hovers a large inflatable globe.

It applies to the use of the assembled doctors and nurses. Because the earth has a fever. "42 degrees are uncomfortable and also dangerous", calls the physician and cabaret dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen to the demonstrators. Almost everyone nods, because he also had to sweat a lot this summer and suspects: This is no longer normal, that is a consequence of climate change.

And it is putting more and more emphasis on the planet. "We are in the process of destroying all our progress," says Hirschhausen. He admonishes not to idly watch the planet's demise, but to do something. "Let us bring in our strength."

After all, five million people are employed in the health sector, according to Hirschhausen. The sincere trust in the people. That's a strong pound in the fight for a healthy planet. "If we want something together, then we also have a chance."

Doctors in duty: no tablets help against climate change

The doctors had been silent for far too long and believed that climate protection was the sole responsibility of politics, says dr. Peter Bobbert, head of the Marburger Bund Berlin / Brandenburg. "But that's over with today. We doctors stand for climate protection. "

Doctors commonly prescribe pills, says the former chief executive of the Charité, Professor Detlev Ganten. "But no help against climate change pills." Because only help civil disobedience. Ganten recalls in this context the "great tradition" of the university hospital when it comes to protesting against health risks due to political failure.

Rudolf Virchow had already pointed out to the German Kaiser that the health misery of the population is "a social and not a medical problem", Ganten notes.

Professor Heyo Kroemer, recently appointed Charité Chief has also intermarried with the demonstrators. Europe's largest university hospital wants to do more for climate protection and reduce CO2 emissions.

Doctors want to set signs

This Friday, when hundreds of thousands take to the streets for climate protection not only in Berlin but in many German cities, the earth can not even be saved, says a young doctor. But it could set a strong signal that could no longer ignore the policy.

Another doctor calls for the lobbyists of large industrial groups from the Chancellery and ministries to be kicked out. "Instead, bring in the scientists who have been pointing to climate change for years." As long as politicians remain idle, it's time for civil disobedience, she says too.

Cabaret artist Hirschhausen still has a very specific suggestion: Anyone who is going to buy a kilo of meat in the supermarket soon should get a bucket of liquid manure. He then had to dispose of it himself. Some might then start thinking about more climate protection. "Otherwise, I say: have fun grilling!"




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