Saturday, October 26, 2019

Eight Tips for Healthy Eyes


. 3 To wander into the distance

Even if the screen is so captivating: Let your eyes wander off and on. Blink a lot. Every drop of your eyelid spreads tears and keeps you from getting too dry, they do not catch fire quickly.

. 4 March

Put on shoes, put on sunglasses, and off you go through the white winter landscape. By the way, each step is also a treat for your eyes. And that twice: movement stimulates blood circulation and melts hip gold. This keeps the blood vessels elastic, which also benefits the sensitive organ of vision. Another plus: exercise in the fresh air prevents dry eyes.

. 5 Switch off more often

Relax! Not only psychologists swear by it, eye specialists also rely on the power of inner balance. "During stress, the intraocular pressure can increase," explains Professor Horst Helbig of the University Hospital Regensburg. Hypnosis or autogenic training can slow the progression of the disease in green-star, studies suggest. But they do not replace a therapy.

. 6 Smoking cessation

"Smoking increases aging mechanisms on the eye," warns Professor Horst Helbig of the German Ophthalmological Society. Who smokes, risks the lens becoming clouded early (cataract) or the blood circulation worsens. The risk of age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma is also increasing. Good reasons to put the glow stick out of your hands for good.

. 7 To feed vitamins

The list of eye-healthy foods is long: spinach, fish, carrots, wholemeal bread. "A balanced, vitamin-rich diet is the best protection factor," says ophthalmologist Helbig. Especially vitamin A, C and E, but also the plant dyes lutein and zeaxanthin (abundant in green vegetables) prevent cell damage to the eye. The best way to get the nutrients fresh from the plate. Helbig: "Take supplements only in consultation with the doctor."

. 8 Keep a look

The letters on the street sign become more illegible? "Many people believe that stronger glasses fix the visual damage," says eye expert Eckert. But the eye test at the optician is not enough. "If someone looks worse in old age, it's up to the eyes, not the strength of the glasses," emphasizes Eckert. Therefore go to the ophthalmologist first. Only in the second step is it necessary to find a suitable visual aid.


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