Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Seven Tips for Stressed Feet


. 3 Dive into the cool

Shopping at 30 degrees. Whew! Since you want to dive his tired feet in a lukewarm cool foot bath. OK then. Additives such as rosemary oil promote blood circulation. "In every pharmacy there are also ready-to-use footbath blends that almost wake up tired feet", Dr. Katja Renner, pharmacist from Wassenberg. "They all have a caring side effect as well."

. 4 Empty veins!

In order to move the blood up against gravity, a kind of pump is necessary. Movements of the calf and thigh muscles are the driving force here: They literally squeeze out the veins. In the long run, you can keep your veins in shape through leg strength and dead weight. Whether by simply walking, cycling, climbing stairs, running or walking: All types of movement promote the muscle pump of the leg. Swimming and aqua jogging even offer an additional bonus: the cooling and massage effect of the water is enormous.

. 5 Hot-cold shower

Cardiovascular healthy people are allowed to demand even more from their vessels: Hot-cold-changing showers from the feet to the thighs strong defunct vein walls: first they expand, then they contract. "The venous training has a preventive effect," says Gerstorfer. "The veins are less susceptible to disease."

. 6 Dense with plants

Cooling gels with active ingredients from horse chestnut and red vine leaves can relieve the feeling of heaviness on the foot. "The effect comes in combination with a massage", explains Dr. med. Renner, "by stretching your legs towards the heart." Those who are prone to venous insufficiency, can take the two active ingredients as tablets. Then the preventive sealing of the vein walls is better. "But only after several weeks."

. 7 Stockings make pressure

Even stockings can exert pressure on the veins from the outside. "For lighter complaints, especially when traveling by bus or plane, the non-prescription support stockings are recommended," says dr. Katja Renner. However, if you suffer from varicose veins, "only compression stockings can prevent worse venous disease," emphasizes venous specialist Dr. med. Gerstorfer. So if your feet and legs are having problems every day, it's probably due to a vein disease. This is always a case for the doctor.



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